Syllables Rhymes Quiz
film noir
How many syllables in film noir?
125379486 syllablesHow to say film noir:
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"film noir." How Many Syllables, n.d. Web. 21 November 2024.
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Syllables Rhymes Quiz
What rhymes with film noir
1 syllable
- Loire
2 syllables
- Adar
- ajar
- armoire
- bazaar
- Bihar
- boudoir
- boyar
- bulbar
- bursar
- canard
- Cathar
- cigar
- cougar
- crossbar
- Dakar
- debar
- devoir
- disbar
- durbar
- Elgar
- eyebar
- flatcar
- fulmar
- Gunnar
- horsecar
- Invar
- jack-tar
- jowar
- lahar
- lekvar
- lodestar
- Magyar
- Mylar
- nightjar
- peignoir
- Pindar
- polestar
- pulsar
- quasar
- railcar
- roll bar
- sandbar
- sidebar
- sirdar
- sofar
- sonar
- streetcar
- tramcar
- unbar
- voussoir
- afar
- all-star
- attar
- bête noire
- bizarre
- boxcar
- briard
- Bulgar
- bus bar
- catarrh
- chukar
- clochard
- couloir
- crowbar
- daystar
- decare
- dinar
- drawbar
- earthstar
- eschar
- feldspar
- fluorspar
- guitar
- handcar
- hussar
- Iyar
- jaguar
- Khowar
- Lehár
- lidar
- lumbar
- memoir
- paillard
- petard
- pissoir
- pourboire
- Qatar
- radar
- rebar
- Safar
- shofar
- sidecar
- sitar
- solar
- stock car
- Svalbard
- trocar
- volar
- Weimar
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Fun FactCHECKBOOK is the longest
horizontally symmetrical word.
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in anthropology?
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